- blink::RLdata500RLdata500
- blink::identity.RLdata500identity.RLdata500
- cd::cdCD Data Set
- cd::cd_goldCD Gold
- cora::coraCORA data set
- cora::cora_goldCora Gold
- cora::cora_gold_updateCora Gold Update
- italy::italy08Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2008
- italy::italy10Italian Survey on Household and Wealth, 2010
- representr::identity.rl_reg1500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- representr::identity.rl_reg2500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- representr::identity.rl_reg5500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- representr::linkage.rl500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- representr::rl_reg1500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- representr::rl_reg2500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- representr::rl_reg5500 records suitable for record linkage with additional regression variables
- restaurant::restaurantRestaurants data set
- restaurant::restaurant_goldRestaurants Gold